Artist - Tony Cragg

How Artist Tony Cragg Pushes New Technical Limits in His Latest ...Visible Man by Tony Cragg on artnet
Tony Cragg - Glasstress

pushes materials to creature organic looking objects, find new relations between people and the material world, uses any materials he can find to adapt 

He sees manmade objects as “fossilized keys to a past time which is our present”. So too, the floor and wall arrangements of objects that he started making in the 1980s blur the line between manmade and natural landscapes: they create an outline of something familiar, where the contributing parts relate to the whole

uses sculpture to study the material and follow its natural form to express emotions 

makes items look almost identifiable, or sculpts them in ways you wouldn't think could be possible

reforming familiar objects such as containers into new and unfamiliar forms producing new emotional responses, relationships and meanings

break something down into its parts

His work does not imitate nature and what we look like, rather it concerns itself with why we look like we do and why we are as we are.

sculptures embody a frozen moment of movement

Tony Cragg. Sculptures and Drawings
what kind of materials does he use?
Point of View (2004). “I felt very free to use the plastic fragments I'd started using in '77 in new forms,” he reflected. “That was almost a kind of punk gesture at the time, a little bit aimed against the pieties of Land Art, Minimalism, or whatever.” 
Cast iron
lacquered aluminium

make own charcoal?
use different items i use to make different charcoals to draw with? like dandelions, treated wood?
burn legs of chair and turn into drawing tool?
make charcoal
Making charcoal from spiky weeds i used to make this chair 
made giant spiky pencils

My Drawings



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